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Vous cherchez endroit pour lire pleins E-Books sans téléchargement? Ici vous pouvez lireDu nouveau sous le soleil: Une histoire de l'enviroonnement mmondial au XXe siècle telecharger. Vous pouvez également lire et télécharger les nouveaux et anciens E-Books complètes . Profitez-en et vous détendre en lisant complète Du nouveau sous le soleil: Une histoire de l'enviroonnement mmondial au XXe siècle Livres en ligne.

Guerres mondiales, essor et chute du communisme, diffusion de la démocratie : voici les événements qui forment l’histoire habituelle du XXe siècle. Mais, durant ce siècle, l’impact des hommes sur l’atmosphère, l’eau, le sol et la biosphère a atteint une intensité sans précédent. Comme l’écrit J.R. McNeill dans ce livre important, avec le recul, le changement environnemental apparaîtra comme le phénomène le plus important de l’histoire du siècle.
A partir d’une présentation passionnante, qui mélange anecdotes, données et analyses éclairantes, McNeill nous propose le premier récit complet de « l’expérience gigantesque et incontrôlée menée sur la terre » par l’espèce humaine au XXe siècle. Ce livre est rien moins qu’une réécriture de la vision de l’histoire communément admise : Thomas Midgley, l’inventeur de l’essence au plomb et du premier gaz CFC, devient un des premiers personnages du siècle, devant les acteurs de deux gue . CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER LIVRE

Gratuit L'Amant des ombres: La Confrérie de la dague noire, T13 Livre

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Enfant, Trez a été vendu par ses parents à la reine des s’Hisbe. Depuis, il n’a jamais accordé sa confiance à personne... sauf à son frère jumeau, iAm, le seul à avoir jamais tenté de sauver Trez envers et contre tout.La rencontre avec l’Élue Selena pourrait enfin rendre Trez heureux, à condition qu’il ait la force de se battre pour elle... Car s’il veut rester à ses côtés, il devra défier la reine, qui ne saurait laisser un tel affront impuni. Déchiré entre la possibilité de vivre sans la femme qu’il aime et celle de provoquer une guerre entre les s’Hisbe et la Confrérie, meurtri par son passé, Trez doit choisir entre affronter l’ennemi seul ou faire confiance à ses frères d’armes. Lorsqu’une nouvelle tragédie menace de frapper les deux frères, iAm se prépare à sacrifier son propre avenir au nom de l’amour fraternel...

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De quoi sont-ils vraiment morts… ou de quelles maladies souffraient-ils ? La médecine fait sans cesse des progrès. Désormais, au vu des documents dont on dispose (rapports d’autopsie, témoignages, tests ADN, etc.), il est possible de remettre fondamentalement en cause les diagnostics qu’établirent les médecins d’alors sur la mort de grands personnages. Le docteur Jacques Deblauwe s’est ainsi penché sur près d’une trentaine de cas. Et ses découvertes sont saisissantes : saint Louis n’est pas mort de la peste ni François Ier de la syphilis, comme on l’a toujours dit. L’auteur enrichit aussi nos connaissances : il analyse le genre de folie dont souffrit Charles VI et les causes de l’impuissance de Philippe Auguste. Autre découverte : ce fut un infarctus du myocarde qui emporta Charles V en 1380. En se mettant au chevet de l’Histoire, Jacques Deblauwe rouvre ainsi de célèbres dossiers et bouleverse bien des idées acquises.

Couverture : Hyacint

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Après une histoire d'amour malheureuse, Ben Mears, écrivain à succès, revient dans sa ville natale pour écrire son prochain roman. En passant devant une vieille maison abandonnée, Marsten House, il envisage de s'installer. Mais le vieux manoir vient d'être vendu à un mystérieux monsieur Straker. Dans le parc, Ben rencontre une belle jeune femme, Susan Norton. Il s'installe dans une chambre en ville et se met à écrire, sans pouvoir se dégager d'un étrange sentiment que les choses ne sont pas tout à fait à leur place. Quand le petit Ralphie Glick disparaît et que son frère sombre dans un coma inexplicable, le regard de Ben se tourne de nouveau vers Marsten House et ses étranges habitants, Straker et Barlow. Mais il ne parvient pas à retrouver confiance, et l'horreur se poursuit. Hommage à Dracula de Bram Stoker, nouvelle variation sur le thème de la maison hantée, Salem a permis de sortir les vampires du XIXe siècle. Un livre essentiel pour les amateurs du genr

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Soyons réalistes : les CSS, c’est dur. Nos feuilles de styles sont plus complexes que jamais et nous avons exploité la spécification actuelle jusqu’aux limites de ses capacités. Heureusement, nous pouvons désormais compter sur Sass pour nous venir en aide et optimiser nos CSS. Alors qu’il était réticent au départ, Dan Cederholm nous raconte ici pourquoi et comment il a fini par adopter ce préprocesseur CSS populaire puis nous montre la voie à suivre pour mieux maîtriser notre code, tout en conservant nos habitudes de travail. Des notions les plus élémentaires aux techniques plus avancées, Dan Cederholm vous aide à faire évoluer vos feuilles de styles et à commencer à tirer parti de la puissance de Sass dès la fin de votre lecture.

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Telecharger La chaîne du pénal : Crimes et châtiments dans la République de Genève sous l'Ancien Régime Francais

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Depuis les anciens, la justice pénale sécurise les sociétés hors de l'état de nature. Ce livre en témoigne pour les tribunaux criminels de la République protestante de Genève sous l'Ancien Régime. Dès le XVIe siècle, partout en Europe, le droit de punir devient le monopole régalien de l'Etat, à l'instar de l'impôt, de la frappe de la monnaie ou de la guerre. Arbitraire avant le Code pénal (1791) et souvent suppliciaire, la répression du crime pacifie lentement les sociétés européennes. Crime, enquête judiciaire, procès inquisitoire, sentence, exécution du châtiment : la chaîne du pénal soude les délits qualifiés aux peines publiques. Elle représente le travail des magistrats qui incriminent les justiciables ayant commis un crime contre l'Etat, la religion, les individus, les biens et les moeurs. Sous l'Ancien Régime, entre répression des illégalismes et contrôle social, la puissance normative de la justice criminelle ressort paradoxalement de la fragilit . CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER LIVRE

Gratuit L'Intelligence artificielle: idées reçues sur l'intelligence artificielle Francais PDF

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« L’intelligence artificielle est une idée neuve », « Les Japonais sont les champions de l’intelligence artificielle », « L’intelligence artificielle reproduit l’activité de notre cerveau », « Les ordinateurs ne se trompent jamais », « Les machines n’ont pas d’émotions ni de conscience », « Demain, les robots nous mettront tous au chômage »…
Des premiers automates aux derniers robots intelligents présentés au Japon, la machine ne cesse de fasciner. Cet ouvrage est l’occasion de mieux cerner les enjeux et les limites de l’intelligence artificielle, science souvent située aux frontières de la SF.

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Un livre ultra complet et tout en couleurs pour maîtriser Windows 8 et Internet

Ce nouveau livre tout en couleurs va vous donner tous les outils qui vous permettront de maîtriser Windows 8 le tout nouveau Windows de Microsoft et Internet comme un virtuose. Il a été entièrement mis à jour pour la nouvelle version du navigateur de Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.

Au programme :

A la découverte de Windows 8, le cerveau de votre PC et de sa toute nouvelle interface Metro

Boutons, boîtes de dialogue, dossiers, fichiers et autres objets de Windows

Déplacer, ouvrir, fermer les fenêtres, rechercher fichiers et dossiers, ou autres ordinateurs connectés en réseau

Adapter Windows 8 à ses besoins

Comment installer mon navigateur

Comment surfer décontracté sur le Web avec Explore . CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER LIVRE

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The perfect marriage? Or the perfect lie?A debut psychological thriller you can’t miss!‘This outstanding debut novel will leave you breathless’
-Bella‘Brilliant, chilling, scary and unputdownable.’
-Lesley Pearse, bestselling author of Without a Trace‘This one is 2016’s answer to Gone Girl. Nuff said.’
-Women’s Health UK‘You’ll love this’
-The Sun’BEHIND CLOSED DOORS is both unsettling and addictive, as I raced through the pages to find out Grace’s fate. A chilling thriller that will keep you reading long into the night.’
–Mary Kubica, bestselling author of The Good GirlEveryone knows a couple like Jack and Grace. He has looks and wealth, she has charm and elegance. You might not want to like them, but you do.
You’d like to get to know Grace better.
But it’s difficult, because you realise Jack and Grace are never apart.
Some might call this true love. Others might ask why Grace never answers the phone. Or how

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Écrivain politique récemment établi à Munich, Spengler (1880-1936) rédige en 1918 le tome I (remanié en 1923) de cette somme historico-philosophique dont la sortie, coïncidant avec l’époque sombre et tourmentée de la défaite allemande, lui valut, pour s’être fait le dépositaire de la tradition de pensée de la décadence, succès et controverses dans les milieux intellectuels d’alors.

Une fiche de lecture spécialement conçue pour le numérique, pour tout savoir sur Le Déclin de l'Occident d'Oswald Spengler

Chaque fiche de lecture présente une œuvre clé de la littérature ou de la pensée. Cette présentation est couplée avec un article de synthèse sur l’auteur de l’œuvre.

A propos de l’Encyclopaedia Universalis :

Reconnue mondialement pour la qualité et la fiabilité incomparable de ses publications, Encyclopaedia Universalis met l

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Une enquête policière sombre et haletante débute alors qu’un homme pourtant sans histoires est retrouvé assassiné au petit matin…

Automne 1793, le régime de la Terreur s’installe.
Dans ce contexte oppressant, trois meurtres viennent bouleverser le monde du notariat.
L’enquête policière, pleine de rebondissements, est menée par Joseph-Marie Auffret, notaire public à Hennebont, entre Lorient, Kervignac, Pont-Scorff et Languidic. Elle a pour arrière-plan une période mouvementée de notre histoire telle que l’on vécue les habitants de cette région.

Ce roman policier historique est l’occasion de retracer les conditions dans lesquelles les hommes et les femmes ont vécu cette tourmente révolutionnaire.


— Bonjour, Louis, tu aurais pu attendre la fin du marché pour me livrer.
— Bonjour, euh… maître… euh…
— Qu’est-ce qu’il te prend, Louis, tu m’appelles « maître » aujourd’

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« Il vécut à Paris en l’an 1313 un homme qui allait du nom d’Andreas Saint-Loup, mais que d’aucuns appelaient l’Apothicaire, car il était le plus illustre et le plus mystérieux des préparateurs de potions, onguents, drogues et remèdes… »

Un matin de janvier, cet homme découvre dans sa boutique une pièce qu’il avait oubliée... Il comprend alors que jadis vivait ici une personne qui a soudainement disparu de toutes les mémoires.
L’Apothicaire, poursuivi par d’obscurs ennemis, accusé d’hérésie par le roi Philippe le Bel et l’Inquisiteur de France, décide de partir à la recherche de son propre passé, de Paris à Compostelle, jusqu’au mont Sinaï.
Entre conte philosophique et suspense ésotérique, L’Apothicaire est une plongée vertigineuse dans les mystères du Moyen Âge et les tréfonds de l’âme humaine.

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FAMILY THERAPY provides a balanced presentation of the major theoretical underpinnings and clinical practices in the field. By presenting an overview of traditional and evolving viewpoints, perspectives, values, intervention techniques, and goals of family therapy, Herbert and Irene Goldenberg provide current, relevant, practice-oriented content laying the foundation for students to become proficient family therapists. This edition reflects the Goldenbergs' commitment to providing students with not only traditional family therapy theoretical frameworks but also the field's evolving models of practice. It is the complete resource for assisting students in mastering the many facets of family therapy. For this edition, Michael White, founder of Narrative Therapy, has written a new foreword for the book.

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Taken literally, the title "All of Statistics" is an exaggeration. But in spirit, the title is apt, as the book does cover a much broader range of topics than a typical introductory book on mathematical statistics. This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It is suitable for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and related disciplines. The book includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping, and clas­ sification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is presumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. Statistics, data mining, and machine learning are all concerned with collecting and analyzing data. For some time, statistics research was con­ ducted in statistics departments while data mining and machine learning re­ search was conducted in computer science departments.

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Trapped in a world where magic is powerful and dreams are real, Cole continues his quest in book three of a “fanciful, action-packed adventure” series (Publishers Weekly, starred review), from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fablehaven and Beyonders series.

Cole Randolph ventures to a new kingdom as he continues his search for his friends—and also pursues his quest to mend what has gone awry with the magic in The Outskirts. Can he overcome the challenges ahead, or will he be stranded forever in a world between reality and imagination? . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

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"We aren't just service dog and master; Tuesday and I are also best friends. Kindred souls. Brothers. Whatever you want to call it. We weren't made for each other, but we turned out to be exactly what the other needed." A highly decorated captain in the U.S. Army, Luis Montalvan never backed down from a challenge during his two tours of duty in Iraq. After returning home from combat, however, the pressures of his physical wounds, traumatic brain injury, and crippling post-traumatic stress disorder began to take their toll. Haunted by the war and in constant physical pain, he soon found himself unable to climb a simple flight of stairs or face a bus ride to the VA hospital. He drank; he argued; ultimately, he cut himself off from those he loved. Alienated and alone, unable to sleep or bend over without pain, he began to wonder if he would ever recover. Then Luis met Tuesday, a beautiful and sensitive golden retriever trained to assist the disabled. Tuesday had lived amongst prisoners an

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As Apollo 11's Lunar Module descended toward the moon under automatic control, a program alarm in the guidance computer's software nearly caused a mission abort. Neil Armstrong responded by switching off the automatic mode and taking direct control. He stopped monitoring the computer and began flying the spacecraft, relying on skill to land it and earning praise for a triumph of human over machine. In Digital Apollo, engineer-historian David Mindell takes this famous moment as a starting point for an exploration of the relationship between humans and computers in the Apollo program. In each of the six Apollo landings, the astronaut in command seized control from the computer and landed with his hand on the stick. Mindell recounts the story of astronauts' desire to control their spacecraft in parallel with the history of the Apollo Guidance Computer. From the early days of aviation through the birth of spaceflight, test pilots and astronauts sought to be more than "spam in a can" despit

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From farmer Joel Salatin's point of view, life in the 21st century just ain't normal. In FOLKS, THIS AIN'T NORMAL, he discusses how far removed we are from the simple, sustainable joy that comes from living close to the land and the people we love. Salatin has many thoughts on what normal is and shares practical and philosophical ideas for changing our lives in small ways that have big impact.

Salatin, hailed by the New York Times as "Virginia's most multifaceted agrarian since Thomas Jefferson [and] the high priest of the pasture" and profiled in the Academy Award nominated documentary Food, Inc. and the bestselling book The Omnivore's Dilemma, understands what food should be: Wholesome, seasonal, raised naturally, procured locally, prepared lovingly, and eaten with a profound reverence for the circle of life. And his message doesn't stop there. From child-rearing, to creating quality family time, to respecting the environment, Salatin writes with a wicked sense of humor an

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Your plain-English guide to currency trading Currency Trading For Dummies is a hands-on, user-friendly guide that explains how the foreign exchange (ForEx) market works and how you can become a part of it. Currency trading has many benefits, but it also has fast-changing financial-trading avenues. ForEx markets are always moving. So how do you keep up? With this new edition of Currency Trading For Dummies, you'll get the expert guidance you've come to know and expect from the trusted For Dummies brand—now updated with the latest information on the topic. Inside, you'll find an easy-to-follow introduction to the global/ForEx market that explains its size, scope, and players; a look at the major economic drivers that influence currency values; and the lowdown on how to interpret data and events like a pro. Plus, you'll discover different types of trading styles and make a concrete strategy and game plan before you act on anything. Covers currency trading conventions and tools Provide

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An edition of God’s Word created for girls ages 11 and up, based on the best-selling Life Application Study Bible. Packed full of notes and features, the Girls Life Application Study Bible is easy to use and helps answer some of the questions preteen girls have about God and life. Discovering God’s will for their lives has never been this much fun!
Features: “What Now?” Learn how to make good choices in tough times “I Survived!” Personal survival stories from older teens about how they made it “Amazing Facts” Bible trivia “At a Glance”―the lives of famous women in the Bible―good and bad―become lessons for teens “Is It OK?” A reality check on what the Bible says about the questions that are really on your mind 2-color interior; 16 pages of full-color illustrations about Bible times Book introductions and timelines Charts and 3-dimensional maps . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

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Breaking Free: The Journey, The Stories - Member Book by Beth Moore leads you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming power of freedom in Jesus Christ. Themes for this study come from Isaiah, a book about the captivity of God's children, the faithfulness of God, and the road to freedom.This in-depth women's Bible study draws parallels between the captive Israelites of the Old Testament and New Testament believers in Jesus as the Promised Messiah. Beth looks at the Book of Isaiah through the lives of the kings who ruled during the prophet's ministry. These kings exemplify many of the obstacles to freedom with which we must deal. Using Scripture to help identify spiritual strongholds in your life, no matter how big or small, Beth explains that anything that hinders us from the benefits of knowing God is bondage.Join Beth Moore on a Bible journey unlike any other. God intends for you to know and believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free The Southern Baker: Sweet & Savory Treats to Share with Friends and Family

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The South is rich in many traditions, and one of its most important is baking. From creating the perfect biscuit to accompany Sunday Dinner, or baking the perfect pie to welcome a new neighbor, baking in the South is about more than just creating something delicious, it's about sharing special times with family and friends.

Now, the experts at Southern Living magazine deliver the ultimate compendium of the South's most cherished recipes for such Southern Staples as fluffy Buttermilk Biscuits, decadent Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread, or flaky Pie Crust. Also included are inside tips and tricks - "Baker's Secrets," in-depth tutorials and instructions on ingredients and tools to begin, and specific techniques direct from the legendary Southern Living test kitchen.

Whether you're a novice or a pro, young or old, Northern or Southern, The Southern Baker will become your go-to guide for all of your baking needs, and might make you one of the more popular people in your f . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Advice from My 80-Year-Old Self: Real Words of Wisdom from People Ages 7 to 88

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What advice would your 80-year-old self give you? That is the question artist Susan O'Malley, who was herself to die far too young, asked more than a hundred ordinary people of every age, from every walk of life. She then transformed their responses into vibrant text-based images. From a prompt to do things that matter to your heart, to a reminder that it's okay to have sugar in your tea, these are calls to action and words to live by—heartfelt, sometimes humorous, and always fiercely compassionate. This stirring celebration of our collective humanity unveils the wisdom we hold inside ourselves right now.

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A classic resource, The MacArthur Study Bible is perfect for serious study. Dr. John MacArthur has collected his pastoral and scholarly work of more than 35 years to create the most comprehensive study Bible available. No other study Bible does such a thorough job of explaining the historical context, unfolding the meaning of the text, and making it practical for your life. Features include:   125-page concordance, including people and places More than 20,000 study notes, charts, maps, outlines, and articles from Dr. John MacArthur Overview of Theology Index to Key Bible Doctrines Part of the Signature Series line of Thomas Nelson Bibles MacArthur Study Bibles sold to date: More than 1.8 million The New King James Version®—More than 60 million copies sold Thomas Nelson Bibles is giving back through the God’s Word in Action program. Donating a portion of profits to World Vision and the James Fund, we are helping to eradicate poverty and preventable deaths among children. Learn . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Download Saints Who Battled Satan: Seventeen Holy Warriors Who Can Teach You How to Fight the Good Fight and Vanquish Your Ancient Enemy

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Download Saints Who Battled Satan: Seventeen Holy Warriors Who Can Teach You How to Fight the Good Fight and Vanquish Your Ancient Enemy

The war is on. The Devil plots to defeat you. Meet some battle-tested warriors who fight at your side.

Satan is real. He’s a formidable foe who wants to snatch us away from God, and the thought of doing battle with him can seem daunting.

Even so, the saints who have gone before us have engaged the Devil, armed with the power of Christ … and emerged victorious! These fellow warriors in heaven now fight on our behalf.

In Saints Who Battled Satan, Paul Thigpen, author of Manual for Spiritual Warfare, details the heroic combat of 17 saints who defeated the Enemy.

In Saints Who Battled Satan, discover:

How Satan attacks us through extraordinary assaults and everyday temptations.

How these 17 saints used prayer, Scripture, the sacraments, and other spiritual weapons against the Enemy.

How the virtues served these saints as combat armor.

How these victorious saints now offer their aid to those of us stil . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral

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Download Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral

Folks in the Delta have a strong sense of community, and being dead is no impediment to belonging to it. Down South, they don't forget you when you've up and died--in fact, they visit you more often. But there are quintessential rules and rituals for kicking the bucket tastefully. Having a flawless funeral is one of them.

In this deliciously entertaining slice of Southern life (and death), inveterate hostess Gayden Metcalfe explains everything you need to know to host an authentic Southern funeral. Can you be properly buried without tomato aspic? Who prepares tastier funeral fare, the Episcopal ladies or the Methodist ladies? And what does one do when a family gets three sheets to the wind and eats the entire feast the night before a funeral?

Each chapter includes a delicious, tried-and-true Southern recipe, critical if you plan to die tastefully any time soon. Pickled Shrimp, Aunt Hebe's Coconut Cake, and the ubiquitous Bing Cherry Salad with Coca-Cola are among the many . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Download Floyd Cardoz: Flavorwalla: Big Flavor. Bold Spices. A New Way to Cook the Foods You Love.

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Download Floyd Cardoz: Flavorwalla: Big Flavor. Bold Spices. A New Way to Cook the Foods You Love.

From the Winner of Top Chef Masters

“A fun, fresh, and inspiring collection that deserves room on any self-respecting home cook’s bookshelf.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review

At his many successful restaurants, including New York City’s famed Tabla, Floyd Cardoz built a name for himself by bringing extraordinary flavors to everyday foods and using spice to turn a dish into something distinct and memorable. In Floyd Cardoz: Flavorwalla, readers will learn how Cardoz amplifies the flavors in more than 100 recipes. The simple addition of mustard seed and lemon makes grilled asparagus a revelation; slow-cooking salmon with fennel and coriander takes it to another level. But this husband and dad has the same challenges we do when cooking for our families, for guests, and for special occasions. Here he presents the recipes he cooks at home, where even the humblest of ingredients—such as eggs, steak, and vegetables—benefit from his nuanced use of . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Download Better Dads, Stronger Sons: How Fathers Can Guide Boys to Become Men of Character

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Your son is counting on you.

The relationship between a father and a son is like no other. Dads have a God-given role to protect and provide for their families, always striving to teach their sons the life skills they'll need to grow into honorable men. That may seem like a tall order. But being a good father isn't so much what kind of parent you are as what kind of person you are. Better Dads, Stronger Sons can show you how to

" talk with your son about important topics such as dating, sexual purity, respect, and self-discipline
" understand why male bonding, discipline, and spiritual leadership are vital to your relationship with your son
" recognize and avoid the top ten mistakes a father can make

Even if you don't have confidence in your fathering skills, God says you fit the bill perfectly in his plan for your family. This book will help you strive to be the dad God designed you to be--so your son can grow to be everything he is meant to be.


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Winner of the 2016 Northern California Book Reviewers Recognition Award This new volume captures the beauty of the California coast from Mendocino, Point Reyes, and the San Francisco Bay down through Carmel, Big Sur, Santa Barbara, and Santa Monica. Woodcut artist Tom Killion's prints combine exquisite color with dynamic composition to portray the coast's ever-changing moods and diverse formations: storm tides crashing at Point Lobos, serene moonlit coves at Mendocino, fog encircling the Golden Gate Bridge. Deepening our experience are poetry and prose from Gary Snyder, as well as selections from Native Californian traditional stories, accounts of travelers, and poems by Jane Hirshfield, Robert Hass, and Jaime de Angulo. As Tamalpais Walking and The High Sierra of California did for lovers of mountains, California's Wild Edge will delight anyone who has seen (or wants to see) the meeting of land and sea.

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Free Great Lives: Jesus: The Greatest Life of All

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This next release in the Great Lives series unveils the life of Jesus and inspires readers with insight, teaching, and historical information. In Great Lives: Jesus, pastor and Bible teacher Charles R. Swindoll dives into the life of the Savior. The book's message presents theologically rich content and a straightforward, honest, and chronological journey that appeals to readers' hearts as well as their minds. Along the way, Dr. Swindoll's trademark warmth and insight offer up life application for the reader drawn straight from the words and works of Jesus. As Dr. Swindoll writes, "The power of His resurrection is a quiet, transforming force that results in the steady growth of hope and life within the believer." Encountering the great life of Jesus is all a believer needs to truly experience that power. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE