Download Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World

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Download Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World

How simplicity trumps complexity in nature, business, and life. We struggle to manage complexity every day. We follow intricate diets to lose weight, juggle multiple remotes to operate our home entertainment systems, face proliferating data at the office, and hack through thickets of regulation at tax time. But complexity isn't destiny. Sull and Eisenhardt argue there's a better way: by developing a few simple yet effective rules, you can tackle even the most complex problems. Simple rules are a hands-on tool to achieve some of our most pressing personal and professional objectives, from overcoming insomnia to becoming a better manager or a smarter investor. Simple rules can help solve some of our most urgent social challenges, from setting interest rates at the Federal Reserve to protecting endangered marine wildlife along California's coast. Drawing on more than a decade of rigorous research, the authors provide a clear framework for developing effective rules and making them better . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE


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